deep inside

pagi tadi sebelum aku dihantar bapa pergi sekolah, mama selit teguran tentang cara aku berpakaian. jangan pakai yang ketat mengikut bentuk tubuh mama kata, sebab nanti bapa yang disoal di hari akhirat kenapa aku tidak sempurna dalam berpakaian.

memang aku tidak sempurna dalam berpakaian, jujur aku akui serendah rendah hati. tudung singkat alakadar menutup apa yang perlu ditutup. baju kadang lebar dan besar, kadang setakat muat dan kadang terlihat lemak belipat. stokin kaki tidak pernah pakai jari kaki telanjang tiada berlapik. sarung tangan apatah lagi. terbuka terselak kadang tidak terkisahkan pun.

bukan aku tiada perasaan nampak wanita seangkatan aku tertutup aurat dengan sempurna. aku pun masih ada rasa bertuhan dan cukup kasih untuk bapa biar tidak terlalu lama dihisab. kalau kira berapa kali skrol ig cari stokin sokha, sarung lengan bergaya, jubah jubah semua..tidak terkira agaknya berapa kali berniat tanpa terlaksana. tapi yang nyata, aku pun ada rasa mahu jadi sebaik baik wanita..
dan aku harap, bila semua jadi keras pada aku yang belum terlihat mahu berubah, biarlah aku bersangka baik dan berlembut pada diri sendiri yang masih melangkah bayi untuk mendekat pada sempurna. biar walapun sedikit, aku tidak mahu penat meraikan sekecil kecil baiknya perubahan pada diri aku.

terima kasih mama dan bapa. jauh manapun aku dari jangkau baiknya seorang wanita, tidak pernah terkurangkan kasih sayang dan doa penuh kebaikan dari mereka untuk aku. percayalah pada setiapnya yang menyentuh hati, semua aku ambil kira dan simpan kemas dalam kepala biar aku ini terlembut hati jadi wanita baik yang tertutup pada setiapnya walaupun masih jauh dan terlalu perlahan ke arah sempurna.

semoga nanti, beberapa masa kehadapan bila aku baca lagi apa yang tercatat pagi ini, aku sudah jauh lebih baik dari hari ini.


hari hari

dalam ratus ratus hari
yang sudah aku lalui sendiri
tidak ada walau sehari
tanpa kamu dalam kepala menari nari
dan tanpa aku tercari cari
cebis cebis disana sini
yang masih buat aku tersenyum sendiri

begitulah hari hari.


cerita cikgu #3

its been a month now.

i think i have better classroom management skill in terms of being a real teacher now. i am now able to call them with their names and that obviously made them want to listen to me better. took me a month to be able to learn all their names except for year 1 as i only get to enter their class thrice a week. i used to remember all sorts of malay names when i was in my practicum days but now that im teaching in sabah and in chinese school, i come across all sort of names from the malay types to the chinese and indians, also dusunese and english names. the longest so far is Nataneialovella, 15 letters in one word name. she's my year 4 student and i always got my tongue twisted everytime i have to call her name and all the other students will have to correct my pronunciation. luckily she's a sweet girl. 

i love my work-mates aka the teachers too. the teachers are all being very helpful in terms of sharing tips on how to control some famous naughty kids around the school. we had a great chinese new year too. it was my first time watching the lion dance performance live, right in front of my eyes because the school invited the lion dance team to perform in the school area. i also got invited for the CNY dinner celebration. i guess teaching in the only chinese school in kota marudu makes me feel a little special and lucky because they always make me feel like i'm a part of them. they prepared a special table for us to provide us the halal foods. im well aware that there are probably more things and plot twists to come but so far i think i have the best people around my working and teaching area.

i have started my home-tuition too. im so lucky to have mama and bapa who gave the most support in me doing the things i have always wanted to do. they helped me find space for my little classroom in the house. angah provided me the tables too. i love spending time with the kids. it feels totally different with teaching in school. those who come to my tuition class are the ones who really want to learn. and that makes teaching them is a lot more fun and enjoyable. i found its tiring especially in the first week of doing this. but at the end of the day, im glad that im able to keep myself busy and enjoying the life of teaching to every bits of it while im still young and able. 

im trying my best to keep myself busy with works and teaching now. it helps me feel better about myself. in fact, im getting better in trying to feel better about myself now. i hope this will go a long way because i still have quite a distance to go through..


dalam kepala

kalau lah 
isi kepala
seperti cat
boleh dicalit
boleh diabstrak 
boleh diconteng
diatas kertas
atau didinding
apa agaknya
rupa bentuk
kucar kacir 
serabut serabai
sesarat seberat
entah apa
dalam kepala
saat ini

apa agaknya.
